God’s Timing

We got a call from our case worker today.  The birthmother and father that we met with on Monday has decided to go with another family.  That was hard news to get today–mainly because we thought the meeting went SO well and I know I was feeling like this might be it.  But, apparently it wasn’t the right situation for us.  It is still hard even now as I think about it.  I was trying so hard to not get my hopes up.  Anyways, I know they had to make the best decision for them.  I’m going to continue to pray for them and their baby.  They were a great couple.

So, what is next for us?

Well… our profile is out to 2 more birthmothers right now.  Another possible 2 next week.  So, it could still happen.  One of the situations next week is for a baby that is already born – she is 2 weeks old.  I’m not sure what God has in store, but I know His plan is best.  I know when we hold our child for the first time, I will understand why we had to wait.  Can you please pray for us as we work through these UP’s and DOWN’s of this process?  It is VERY difficult.  Thanks!

3 comments on “God’s Timing

  1. Lisa TenBrink says:

    praying for you and all involved. sorry to hear the meeting on monday didn’t pan out like you hoped. God has bigger plans, right? chin up!

  2. Vanessa Nolte says:

    Thanks Lisa. Yes, God has bigger plans.

  3. Amy says:

    Oh Vanessa… I am praying for you every day. I am praying for patience (You know I understand how very hard this can be) and that God sends the right birth mother to you very soon. ((HUGS))

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